Polluting Wealth

Kvanefjeld (also known as Kuannersuit) is a mountain site located in the southern part of Greenland. The small mountain contains many rare minerals and radioactive uranium, which is worth a lot of money. But there’s a conflict going on around Kvanefjeld. On one side most of Greenlands population want independence from Denmark. A mining project at Kvanefjeld would potentially bring a lot of money to Greenland and help the country get independent in the near future. On the other hand people fear the potential pollution the extraction of uranium could bring to the area around Kvanefjeld. The mountain is located only a few kilometers from Narsaq - one of the largest towns in southern Greenland. Because of this the mining project has a lot of critics in the southern part of the country, where the people think it’s against the greenlandic spirit to earn money on something that will contaminate their nature.




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